A Website to Gather Stories and Data
Part of the family of American Ancestors websites, the website has a key role in gathering family history information from the descendants of the 10 million enslaved people. This will be used by scholars to piece together the stories behind the 10 million names.
Drupal Multisite Support
Fast Activation and Unique Design
Thanks to the groundwork put in place when building the multisite platform, the setup and customisation of the site was quick, straightforward to implement, providing a unique design for minimal front end effort.
Reuse of Content
The multisite platform has enabled the American Ancestors team to re-purpose digital content from other websites within the family. By cloning pages and changing the theme, content can be re-used across multiple sites while keeping the user within the 10 Million Names website.
Shared Functionality
One of the main advantages of a multisite platform is the ability to re-use functionality across multiple sites following a single investment. The 10 Million Names website has been able to benefit from this and will continue to do so as the website develops.
Currently the site benefits from the existence of reusable content blocks that can be easily added to multiple pages, a shared email sign up, a shared universal navigation and footer (enabling users to reach the wider family of American Ancestors websites). It also incorporates the multisite’s approach to adding captions to images and adding audio or video files to blocks. Integration of Jira and HubSpot maximised opportunities for collecting data as part of the ongoing sales and marketing process.
Future planned developments will incorporate the use of protected content as well as adding a member login to enable members to access protected content.
Strong, Stable and Easy to Manage
As part of the Drupal multisite, the 10 Million Names website benefits from the high performance hosting package (ensuring super-fast page downloads and maximum availability). It is managed as part of the platform, meaning that it’s a cinch to keep the site’s software and security requirements bang up to date.
Tracking Journeys and Actions
The website has been created with conversion at its heart and there are a range of ways users can act or get involved with the project. For example, we designed and built a specific block which can be maximised or minimised on each page, to hold all the important calls to action. This maximises the number of opportunities an individual has to get involved: they can perform an action at any time, on any page during their visit.
It’s Personal
Due to the high profile nature of the project, we expected users may visit the website multiple times. We wanted to keep the experience fresh and tailor the content to suit a user’s position on their engagement journey. We devised a user journey where during an initial visit users would be presented with the overview animation, to provide an introduction to the project. During any future visits they would be presented with alternative content in the form of the call to action block in order to encourage actions. This was then delivered by setting cookies to control what content a user would see.
Analysis and Analytics
The high profile media launch led to a huge influx of traffic from the outset so it was vital that actions and user journeys could be measured through Google Analytics. As Jira and Hubspot provide CRM support, they were integrated with Google Analytics in order to track end to end actions. This means we can track and report on all activity from playing the project video, through to donating, volunteering or sending in family history research data.
SEO Optimised
In order to ensure the website was easy to find and visible on search engines, we ensured all pages were optimised effectively. The effort has been rewarded with 68% of visitors arriving on the site through organic Google searches (compared to an industry average of 53%).